Inclusive Growth:What Future for the European Social Model? Contribution to the EEOP Thematic Seminar on Modernisation of the EU Social Model Brussels pdf-download
Joint Seminar "Labour
Market Institutions and Economic Restructuring: Perspectives from China
and Europe, Chengdu, China pdf-download
Europäisierung der
Arbeitsmärkte: Kann das Europäische Sozialmodell dazu
beitragen? Impuls für den Gesprächskreis "Neuordnung der
Arbeit" des DGB pdf-download
Let's get to Work! The Future of Labour in Europe: Discussant Notes pdf-download
Youth Unemployment in India: From a European and Transitional Labour Market
Point of View, Presentation to the Interrnational Conference “Jobs for Development: Challenges and Solutions” ICRIER, New Delhi pdf-download
Sustainable Inclusive Growth: Is it Possible? Contribution to the 2nd Annual Conference “The Social Consequences of the Crisis in Europe and Greece: Politics and Policies for Solidarity and Growth”, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Athens pdf-download